I am a big proponent of cold showers. I believe they make you mentally strong. I believe they give you a burst of energy to start the day. I believe they allow you to start the day in control of your actions. Think about it, if you can start the day by forcing yourself to […]
Best Fear of Failure Quotes
Best Fear of Failure Quotes Below are my favorite quotes about failure and fear of failure! Enjoy and remember that failing is actually one of the healthiest things we can do. I purposefully didn’t include any quotes that say anything along the lines of “failure is the only way to succeed” or “It’s not whether […]
How to Start Enjoying the Journey of Self-Improvement
Hey! I just wanted to tell you that you’re doing great. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be right now. I’m guessing, based on the fact that you’re reading this, that you have an interest in self-improvement. I’m also guessing that you’re prone to becoming unhappy in this pursuit. You just never seem to get […]
I Started a Blog to Document My 30 Day Challenges…And I Failed Every Single One
Alright, I guess it’s time to get honest. I’ve failed every single challenge I’ve undertaken since starting my blog, 30 Day Challenge Dude. I started the blog right after I quit sugar for 30 days. I was all fired up about having quit something that has haunted me basically all my life. I had momentum. […]
List of Negative Thoughts (And How to Fix Them)
Thinking. Is there any other word in our language that can mean so many different things to so many people? To an intellectual, thinking is the way to discovery and knowledge. To a worrier or someone with a lot of anxiety, thinking is an incessant force in the brain that seemingly cannot be overcome. To […]
5 Abstract 30 Day Challenge Ideas that Will Transform Your Life
When we think of 30 day challenges, we typically think of things like: not eating sugar, exercising every day, writing every day, not smoking for 30 days, etc. It’s usually some concrete habit that we want to either quit or start doing. And these are great! But I actually believe there is a whole different […]
Why Am I So Tired Today? 6 Reasons You’re Always Tired
Why Am I So Tired Today? I’m tired today. Physically and mentally. I woke up this way. I’ve been awake for about 3 hours and I’m only just now really getting into the flow of the day. Does this happen to you often? I used to experience this type of overwhelming tiredness more days than […]
The Simple Power of the 30 Day Challenge
I never really intended to start a blog about 30 day challenges. It just sort of…happened. But as I began to implement them into my life, I realized they are actually far more powerful than I had suspected. I have come to believe that 30 day challenges can be one of the most effective ways […]
The Easiest Way to Get Back on Track
Off track. Stuck in a rut. Rudderless. Unmotivated. Spinning your tires. These are all terrible places to be and feelings to feel. I’ve personally been in this spot countless times in my life. I think it’s because of how many times I’ve felt ‘stuck in a rut’ that makes me qualified to talk about the […]
How Long Does it Take to Break or Make a Habit? Not 30 Days.
Yes, I know my entire blog is based on the premise of making or breaking habits in 30 days. But it’s not that simple. Human behavior and habits are so complex that it’s impossible to say, “If you do or don’t do [insert habit here] for X amount of days, you’ll be cured!” Any publication […]