Note: Worksheet coming for this in the next few weeks! For now just do it in a journal. So a few days ago I created my “100 Life Goals in 10 Years” post and it really inspired me to start thinking about goals and how they shape our path in life. Goals are the compasses […]
What is 100 Days of Productivity?
100 Days of Productivity is a movement that encourages individuals to do something productive each day for 100 days. This challenge is actually super ambiguous (there are no hard and fast rules for doing it) and I decided to repurpose it for our purposes here at 30 Day Challenge Dude. I wanted to make the […]
Let’s Make a ‘100 Life Goals’ List!
So today I was surfing around the web, trying to come up with a concept for today’s blog post. I’ve been feeling a little bit of writer’s block lately but I came across something that really caught my eye. There is this exercise where you list 100 life goals to complete in 10 years. I decided […]